Neuroscience and coaching
to build a powerful life


Hello! We are Ricardo and Karen Pinedo, husband and wife, parents, a bilingual couple united on a mission to help and empower people to live the abundant and fulfilled lives that our Creator made you to live, through scientifically proven neurocoaching and tactical strategies. Neuro… what? Neurocoaching is a specific type of life coaching that uses neuroscience techniques to generate real and lasting changes in your brain and in your behavior. This means not simply “improvement” but true transformation of your life — and that means transformation for the lives of all around you also. We are passionate about neurocoaching because it has changed us and, even more importantly, our children.

We have personally worked and taught in seven countries. No matter what culture or language, we have seen that all people share common life dreams, desires, and abilities. Sadly, we often get bogged down in our struggles, fears, and hang-ups. We are devoted to helping you discover and utilize your special God-given spiritual and neuroscientific tools to both embrace as well as accomplish the unique purpose He entrusted to you, while enjoying the journey in the meantime.


What is Neurocoaching?


Why does your toddler have unexpected meltdowns, your three-year-old continually clash in power struggles with you, and your five-year-old kid always ask “Why?”Tap into how your child’s brain works and develops, discover secrets and tips to cultivate your parenting skills, and raise a successful adult who enjoys you and embraces life.
click here
Why do we do what we do? How can we make real and lasting change in our lives?We train dogs, horses, kids, why not train our brains? Learn principles and techniques to overcome hangups and rewire bad thinking, and create a positive, orderly thought life that will set you forward in your personal, family, social, and work arenas.
click here


One-on-one Neurocoaching very limited spots
I want to know more
Corporate Neurocoaching For companies only
I want to know more
Public Speaking For companies, churches, universities, etc.
I want to host speakers who make a change, not just an impact


This book is a potent and short guide to master your focus and increase your productivity with spiritual and biblical principals.
Get it on Amazon!
In this book Ricardo shares his insights and secrets that helped him to get out of depression after seven years!
Coming soon!
Stuck and struck by shiny object syndrome and procrastination? Learn 7 powerful principles to move forward and start building the successful business you want!
Get it now on Amazon!
This 30-day neurodevotional came from the author's extensive research and personal experiences, uniting key Bible topics with proofs from neuroscience, and presenting them in a devotional format with simple steps and NeuroTips for personal growth.
Get it on Amazon now!

Contact Form

We would like to talk to you. We try to reply to all our inquiries in a quick manner but sometimes it can take up to 2 business days. Remember, we have two toddlers!